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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.03.22 17:24. Заголовок: Galliformes and other animals for South America

Hello! I'm back with ideas for some new species for South America. I found in my computer an archive with some ideas for fauna and flora that I had some time ago and decided to show there to ask your opinion about them. The first is about a descendant of the domestic chicken.

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I also have in this archive some names for possible species that I never developed bayond some few facts. Maybe someone could help me make their descriptions.

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Пост N: 8962
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.22 18:46. Заголовок: JOrnitho Yes, why n..

Yes, why not? Here are the maps of neocene made by Alexander Smyslov:
physical map
Only Russian version, sorry.

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Пост N: 4100
Откуда: Республика Лакота
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.22 19:18. Заголовок: English versions are..

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Пост N: 140
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.22 20:53. Заголовок: wovoka пишет: http..

wovoka пишет:



This map is very useful. Thanks for the link. These lagoons and restingas are a distinct type of coastal tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forest. Since this vegetation still exists in the Neocene, is very possible that these areas will exist too. In Brazil, these coastal areas are full of endemic species.
Also, are the pelicans extinct?

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Из скромности умолчу.

Пост N: 5556
Откуда: Россия, Владимир
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.22 21:40. Заголовок: JOrnitho пишет: Als..

JOrnitho пишет:

Also, are the pelicans extinct?

No, cormorants and gannets instead of them.

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Пост N: 141
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.05.22 00:04. Заголовок: Автор пишет: No, co..

Автор пишет:

No, cormorants and gannets instead of them.

Ok! I was thinking if it would be possible for one of these two groups give rise to a descendant that at least partially fill the pelican's niche by developing a throat pouch. They could be a sister group to Sulidae or Phalacrocoracidae.

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Пост N: 8965
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.22 21:48. Заголовок: JOrnitho Oh, I didn..

Oh, I didn't know about the English versions (wovoka, thanks!), though I see they are far too small for effective use. You can compare them to large Russian versions.

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Пост N: 4101
Откуда: Республика Лакота
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.05.22 10:54. Заголовок: Биолог пишет: I see..

Биолог пишет:

I see they are far too small for effective use

You need to register on deviantart to download the large version of the map.

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Пост N: 8966
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.05.22 13:20. Заголовок: wovoka Thanks, gues..

Thanks, guess JOrnitho will read this post of yours.
By the way, the line "Conventional signs" is an awkward English for just "Map legend".

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Пост N: 158
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.05.22 14:33. Заголовок: After watching a doc..

After watching a documentary, I gad an idea for two species of flamingo living in South America. One breeding in Patagonia and wintering in the coastal brackish lagoons of Eastern South America, while the other is a resident in the brackish habitats of the Northern part of the continent. I'll start to work on it after I finish the hyraxes.

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Пост N: 8989
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.05.22 18:39. Заголовок: JOrnitho OK, flamin..

OK, flamingos are also interesting. Their peculiar beaks and the ability to feed their young using their own blood could evolve further into something interesting. And, if their diet changes, the color of their feather will also change!

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Пост N: 160
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.05.22 05:39. Заголовок: Биолог пишет: Their..

Биолог пишет:

Their peculiar beaks and the ability to feed their young using their own blood could evolve further into something interesting.

This makes me think how the flamingos could change. I knew that in the Neocene there is a flightless species, but how the South American ones could evolve? Perhaps a change in the diet or in the way that they feed?

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Пост N: 8995
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.05.22 13:35. Заголовок: JOrnitho I think th..

I think they could change the diet, which involves changes in the structure of beak and color of feathers.

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Пост N: 166
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.05.22 16:05. Заголовок: Биолог пишет: I thi..

Биолог пишет:

I think they could change the diet, which involves changes in the structure of beak and color of feathers.

Maybe they evolved to feed more on the organisms living in the substrate of brackish lagoons, perhaps even more algae than animals. Their beaks could change forms, having an "upside down" appearance or like that of a pteurodaustro.

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Пост N: 9003
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.05.22 18:50. Заголовок: JOrnitho "upsid..


"upside down" appearance or like that of a pteurodaustro

No, I meant a spatula-like beak, resembling that of spoonbills, but short. May be additionally somewhat curved downwards, and may be with a filtering apparatus inside.

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Пост N: 167
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.05.22 20:26. Заголовок: Биолог пишет: May b..

Биолог пишет:

May be additionally somewhat curved downwards, and may be with a filtering apparatus inside

Yes, this possibility is interesting. If they feed more in animals of the substrate, would they remain red/pink?

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Пост N: 9009
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.05.22 08:34. Заголовок: JOrnitho would they..


would they remain red/pink?

No, they are pink to red due to their diet.

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Пост N: 170
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.05.22 15:56. Заголовок: Биолог пишет: they ..

Биолог пишет:

they are pink to red due to their diet.

Since they are going to feed on the substrate, maybe they are more white to pale pink.

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Пост N: 9014
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.05.22 20:25. Заголовок: JOrnitho Yes, possi..

Yes, possibly. Even can be totally white with yellow or yellow-red beak and legs.

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Пост N: 183
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.05.22 05:52. Заголовок: I finished the descr..

I finished the description of the flamingo.

White flamingo (Albopterus curveramphus)
Order: Phoenicopteriformes
Family: Phoenicopteridae
Habitat: Brackish coastal lagoons of the tropical and subtropical coast of South America
The human actions during the Holocene caused the decline of many species. However some species survived and in the Neocene they gave rise to new species. One of these new species is the white flamingo, a descendant of the American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber). This species inhabits the brackish coastal lagoons of the tropical and subtropical coast of South America. While not migratory, these birds will migrate short distances to ensure that they get enough food or because their current habitat has been disturbed in some way, usually due to levated water levels.
The white flamingo is a large wading bird, with 147 cm of height. However, some males can reach 155 cm. They have a wingspan of 140 cm. Unlike its ancestors, this bird is completely white with only its tail and rump being in a very pale shade of pink in the adults. The primary and secondary flight feathers are black. The legs and webbed feet are bright yellow. Another distinctive characteristic of the whole genus Albopterus is their curved downwards beak, which is bright yellow with a restricted black tip. The call is a goose-like honking.
To eat, this species moves its bill through the soft mud located in the bottom of the brackish lagoons and filters it. This way, it collects crustaceans, molluscs, algae, microscopic organisms and insect larvae. While it had the capability of extracting the carotenoid pigments in the organisms that live in their feeding grounds, these colors don’t are widespread on their body like in their ancestors. These colors remain in areas close to the uropygial gland, which also produce a secretion that also contains carotenoids. During the breeding season, the number of carotenoid in their uropygial secretions increase and the white flamingos spread it over their feathers, giving the white feather a pinkish shade.
The breeding season starts at the beginning of the dry season, when the water level of the coastal lagoons is low enough for them to make their cone-shaped nest made from mud and sticks. The white flamingo usually forms monogamous pairs when selecting a nest site, and incubating and raising young. However, trios can occur occasionally, in these cases they are formed by a male, an older female and a young one. While males usually initiate courtship, females control the process. If interest is mutual, a female walks by the male, and if the male is receptive, he walks with her. Both parties make synchronized movements until one member aborts this process. The courtship starts with males and females walking in unison with their heads raised. After some minutes doing it, they will walk at a quick pace with their heads dropped in a false feeding posture. The courtship stops at any point if either bird turns and the other does not follow, the heads are raised, unison movements are stopped, or the pace of movement is slowed. If the female is ultimately receptive to copulation, she stops walking and presents for the male. Long-term pairs do not frequently engage in courtship behaviors or in-group display. Pairs often stand, sleep, and eat in close proximity.
In most pairs, both individuals usually construct and defend the nest site. In rare cases, one individual undertakes both duties. Within trios, both females will build separated nests, usually one close to the other. The male will help each female with the construction of the nests and incubating the eggs.
The female lays one egg that is incubated by her and the male for 34 days. When newly hatched, the chick's bill is straight and black, but later develops a downward curve and the adult colors of beak. The feathers are white and grey and the legs are pale yellow. The parents are able to distinguish their chick from others in the colony by appearance and vocalization. Both the male and the female feed their chicks with a kind of crop milk, produced in glands lining the whole of the upper digestive tract. For the first 6 days after the chicks hatch, the adults and chicks stay in the nesting sites. At around 11 days old, the chicks begin to move out of their nests and explore their surroundings. When they are two weeks old, the chicks congregate in groups, called "microcrèches", and their parents leave them alone. After a while, the microcrèches merge into "crèches" containing thousands of chicks. Chicks that do not stay in their crèches are vulnerable to predators. After 2 months, the chicks are already fledged. The white flamingo reaches sexual maturity with 5 years and they have a lifespan of 37 years.
Another representative of the Genus Albopterus is the Lesser white flamingo (Albopterus minor) this species inhabits brackish coastal lagoons of Great Antigua, Mexico and Florida Peninsula. They have 118 cm of height and 126 cm of wingspan. Their plumage is very similar to that of their Southern relatives, but the pink areas of the rump and tail are brighter. Their beaks are also totally black.

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Пост N: 9036
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.05.22 08:00. Заголовок: JOrnitho Good flami..

Good flamingo!

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